OK Promise Update

OKPromise has a new marketing page. Please share the following link with your parents and students:  https://myokpromise.org/


 If your student was in the 10th grade during the 2019-20 school year and you anticipate that your 2020 income may be under the $55,000 application limit for the Oklahoma’s Promise scholarship due to recent reductions in your income, you may submit an application based on your 2020 estimated income.


The application must be submitted prior to the June 30, 2020 deadline at https://secure.okcollegestart.org/applications/Oklahoma_Promise/apply.html.  You will be required to provide a copy of your 2020 federal tax return when completed to verify that your 2020 income was under $55,000. The application will be held as pending until the tax documentation is received.  Please send any questions to okpromise@osrhe.edu.\r\n